Saturday, March 29, 2014

Reading a legacy

 I love to write and I keep a gazillion journals around my house all the time.  (Yep, gazillion is a real number.)  There's a journal I keep for encouraging quotes I find.  I have a few journals where I've kept notes from messages I've heard in church or at conferences.  A daily "one liner" journal where I jot down quotes from my sweet little free bird, Caroline Victoria.  I put silly things she's said, or funny things she did, or even small memories I don't ever want to forget. Heck, I even have written notes when we've had a ruff day. Not every day is easy as a mother.  (One day when she's a mommy, I hope she'll appreciate those little notes.)  I also have a journal filled with love letters to my next baby... the one my heart is patiently waiting for.  (I'm not pregnant yet, but God knows the desires of my heart.  Jeremiah 29:11)
I'm not rich.  I'm not famous.  I probably won't have much to leave my children or the world after I'm gone.  But, the one thing I will leave is a bookshelf filled with my journals.  I feel like our words and thoughts are so important. They're so powerful!  One day when I'm old and gone, my daughter will be able to pick up that journal dedicated just to her and see pages and pages of memories.  Memories devoted only to her and the love and adoration I have for her.  I mean, how many times have you had a bad day and wondered,  what on earth you are even here for?  How many times have you thought,  does anyone notice me?  As much as I'd love nothing more than to personally take any hurt from Caroline's life, I know she will have those days too.  I just hope she will open that journal and feel how important she is!
I came across this blog post today and it filled my eyes with tears.  Especially numbers one and four.  Number one so true.  As much as I know God made me for a divine purpose (Ephesians 2:10), I never felt my destiny playing out until I became a mother.  I want my Caroline (and future babies) to know with every fiber of their being how they gave my life meaning, so of course I loved the blogger's number one.   Number four is what really put the tears in my eyes though.  He states, " In a lifetime made of millions of memories, experiences, and stories – narrowing them down to one can be extremely powerful."  It's so true.  There are a million things every day that I want to bottle up and keep forever and ever.  To narrow it down to just one would be almost too difficult.  I love, however, how he says, "But don’t be brief, share it with passion, provide every little detail, and bring your child back..."   It's like you're filling their mind's eyes with wonder!  A magical story about them.  Making them feel so incredibly important and loved!  Wow, that brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it!
So, I encourage you today, even if you aren't a writer, write down those memories you wish you could bottle up.  Fill the pages with every detail.  Leave a love note to your children, so that even after you leave this world, they can look back and picture reading their story off the pages.  Your words are powerful!  They are encouraging and uplifting.  They are bold yet loving!  They can leave a legacy. 

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