Thursday, April 3, 2014

Filling Up God

(This morning I'm celebrating the opportunity to write my very first post on "MY DARLING"... a facebook group I'm part of.  Be sure to check our page after you read! It's filled with beautiful and inspirational quotes and posts! )
Good Morning Sweet thangs!! I'm so excited to have a chance to write on "My Darling" this morning. It's gonna be a great day, especially since I was greeted by a gorgeous picture of pink peonies as soon as I logged on this morning! The art on here is always so gorgeous! (Thanks sissy!) I've got a funny story to share with you. I was in the break room finishing up lunch the other day, really e...njoying a DQ blizzard my hubby and Sweet C had brought to me as a surprise treat. (Butterfinger flavor, yummo!!) I found myself desperately scraping the bottom with my red spoon as if it were actually going to fill back up and give me more. I felt like my taste buds were screaming, "Is that all?? Isn't there any more left??"... "I"M STILL HUNGRY!!" As I sat there still staring in to the bottom of the cup, a thought came over me. Hmmm, I wonder if God ever feels this way about me? Is that it? Isn't there any more left to give? I'm still hungry for more of you. See, so many times we expect God to fill US up, but what are we doing to fill Him? I mean, ya gotta give to receive... or at least, that's how the saying goes. Romans 12:11 says, "never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord". Well, if you're anything like me at all, you're left thinking, "zeal and fervor... now those are two words ya don't just hear everyday". I did what any normal vocab challenged person would do... I went straight to the dictionary! LOL Zeal is defined as a great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective. Nice! I like that word. Fervor is an intense and passionate feeling. Good word two... adding those to my vocab bank.... now! So basically, as it reads in my NLT Bible, we are to "never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically". But those two words, zeal and fervor, bring such a boldness to the request. It's telling us we are to be energetically and enthusiastically on a mission to serve and please and honor God with an intense passion!! INTENSE, ladies, INTENSE! Think of some things you are passionate or intense about: your children, your man, some of you it's your job (ha!! haha!!.. sorry, moving along...), some of you it's music or art, baking, exercising or finding good deals when shopping and some of us it could even be sports. (You should see the passion for Redskins football in my sister's house! It's intense, baby!) What ever it is, it usually comes so easily and naturally to us to be that passionate about it because we love it. We want nothing more but to see it grow and flourish. But if we're that passionate about earthly things, don't you think we should be that intense about what we give back to the one who gave it all to us? God is such a giver, but I wonder if he's ever "up there" looking down saying, "Ok, I'm ready for my fill now. I'm ready for you to focus on me and fill ME up with the good stuff". I don't know about you, but I'm ready to give back to the one who gave it all for me. I'm ready this morning, to passionately worship my God and get excited about my love for HIM! I'm ready to fill him up with some "sugar"... To God's eyes, I'm planning on looking like an extra large triple scoop hot fudge sundae with brownie chunks, whip cream and a yummy delicious cherry on top! (I hope that's His favorite!) So join me. Let's be an extra special dessert buffet for God this morning! Let's fill His eyes with wonder and His heart with our passion for Him. Let's make Him feel so stuffed He has to unbutton the top button on His pants! LOL (OK, I doubt He's wearing pants... it's probably some white cloak with hints of beautiful gold specks or something, but you get my drift.) And while we're at it... now that we're all hungry for something sweet ourselves... let's dive in to God's word and get some of His sweetness too! (With a huge sweet coffee and donut, of course!!) ...As the beautiful picture of the pink poppies says, "Rise up, My Darling". xo
Be sure to check out MY DARLING on